YOU are a blessing and I’m so happy you’re here.
Just as you are, perfectly imperfect. You are a perfectly imperfect blessing. And you are doing your best.
This mantra has become my guiding light. It reminds me that every individual is a blessing, with their own set of imperfections. It reminds me that each person is trying their hardest, given the circumstances, knowledge, and opportunities they have.
Of course, this doesn't mean that I open myself up to everyone or become impervious to negativity. It simply means that I choose not to take things personally and to empathize with the people around me. When someone speaks poorly of themselves, I remind myself that they are doing their best. When someone speaks poorly of others, I remember that they too are doing their best.
In an ideal world, everyone would recognize that I am doing my best, just as I recognize that they are doing theirs. In this world, compassion, love, and grace would flow freely. It is my sincere wish to live in such a world.
So, I have decided to be the change I want to see. I will strive to do my best in everything I do, while also reminding others that they are doing their best. I will carry this mindset with me, even when it comes to strangers and those who may not have my best interests at heart. I will preach this at my yoga classes in Central Park.
In this way, I hope to create a wonderful world, thick with understanding and empathy. A world where everyone recognizes the intrinsic value we all possess, despite our flaws. It may be a lofty aspiration, but I believe it is within our reach.
As I step into Central Park today for my yoga practice, I will breathe in this mantra, reminding myself and those around me that we are all perfectly imperfect, doing our best. And with that thought in mind, I will envision a world where compassion, love, and grace reign supreme.